Blogs - Our Thought on The Decade

Our Fun Take on "Material World" by Madonna 

We love the song “Material Girl” by Madonna.  We wanted to make it have all the nostalgic elements you remember from the 80s  - but add some fresh surprises to it as well.

The masterpiece was released in 1984 by Madonna on her hit album “Like a Virgin”.

We really enjoyed the rocked out version performed by “Future 85” - check it out:

This rocked up version has a faster more danceable tempo - and a lot more guitars.  So many more, that we play some of the guitars on keyboards! (Because you can do that now!)

We also went the extra mile and added the robot voice using a vocoder and pumped up the bridge with additional harmonies since we have 5 different vocalists.


The Secret Ingredientt That Made 80s Music So Addictive 


Songs from the 1980s are known for their catchy beats and infectious melodies. But what makes these songs so addictive?

The answer lies in a few simple ingredients:

New sounds - the synthesizer revolution with better technology in the 80s gave us sounds in music that no one had ever heard before!  Entire songs were performed on synthesizers, but more often they are beautifully blended with guitars and vocals.  Synth bass and synth vocal processing came into more common use as well.

Repetition is a powerful tool that can be used in all kinds of ways, from advertising to music production. It's also one of the most effective ways to make your audience feel something--whether that's excitement or nostalgia--and it works because our brains love patterns! In this blog post, we'll explore how you can use repetition effectively when creating your next piece of content or song.


The Revival of 80s Music

The power of nostalgia is a strong one. We've all been there, whether it's watching an old movie or listening to the same song that was playing when you first kissed someone. Nostalgia can make us feel good about ourselves and our pasts, but it also creates a desire for more of those feelings--and this is where social media comes in.

Social media has made it easier than ever before for artists like Michael Jackson and Prince (both of whom died in 2009) to remain relevant even after their deaths by sharing their music with new generations who weren't alive during their heyday. The same goes for 80s bands like Duran Duran and Wham!. Even though these artists aren't making new music anymore, they're still bringing joy into people's lives through the songs they 

Evolution of Synthesizers in the 1980s 


The synthesizer is a musical instrument that produces sound through electronic circuits. It's like a keyboard, but instead of playing notes and chords, you can control overtones and pitch with knobs and sliders.

The first synthesizer was invented in 1964 by Robert Moog and it was called the Moog Synthesizer. The Moog Synthesizer used vacuum tubes to create sound waves instead of transistors like today's synths do. Transistors are smaller than vacuum tubes so they're easier to transport around without breaking them!

Digital Revolution

The 1980s saw the rise of digital synthesis, which was made possible by MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). This protocol allowed electronic instruments to communicate with one another and change sounds in real time. The Yamaha DX7 was one of the first synthesizers to use this technology. It had a built-in sequencer that could record up to 64 notes at once, as well as an arpeggiator that could play chords automatically when you tapped out a rhythm on your keyboard.

The Roland D-50 was another popular synth from this era; it had an onboard chorus effect and stereo output capabilities that were unheard of at the time!

How It's Done Today

Gone are the days of having to haul a stack of keyboards onto a stage to get a realistic sounds.  Through computer programs called “Virtual Studio Technology” (VST) which are audio plug-in software interface that integrates software synthesizers and effects units into digital audio workstations. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software.

Now, if one song calls for a sound only made on the Yamaha DX7 and the next could only be made on a Roland Jupiter 8, you can run it all through one keyboard.  Risky Business prides itself on recreating authentic synthesizer sounds so you get transported back to the nostalgic feelings you had the first time you hear some of these truly innovative sounds.  We do the same with voice processing, vocoders, and voice synthesizers for songs that need them.


The Surprising Reasons Why 80s Music Is Making a Comeback 


If you're a fan of 80s music, then you know that it's making a comeback. But why? What's the surprising reason for this trend?

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why 80s music has become so popular again in recent years and how it differs from other genres from decades past.

The Revival of 80s Music

The recent resurgence of 80s music is a testament to the power of nostalgia. The 1980s were a time when people were able to connect with each other through their shared interests and experiences, which led to a boom in pop culture that has yet to be matched by modern entertainment.

As a result, many millennials grew up listening to bands like Duran Duran and Culture Club on their parents' stereos or watching movies like Back To The Future at home with their siblings. Now that these individuals have grown up and started families of their own, they're looking for ways to share this same experience with their children while also introducing them to some new artists along the way.


The Impact of Social Media

The impact of social media on the revival of 80s music is undeniable. Platforms such as YouTube, Spotify and TikTok have all contributed to its popularity.

In terms of YouTube, users can access hundreds of thousands of playlists dedicated to their favorite artists from this decade. These include "80s Pop Music" by Vevo; "80's Music Mix" by DJ Eduardo; "Best 80's Songs Ever" by MrMusicVideos; "Top 100 Best Songs Of The 1980s" by Top100SongsOfAllTime; and many more.

On Spotify, there are over 3 million results when searching for '80s music'. In addition to this huge library available at your fingertips (or earphones), there are also countless Spotify-curated playlists that feature artists from this era including: 'The Ultimate 80's Playlist' by Spotify New Music Friday; 'The Greatest Hits Of The 1980s' By Classic Rock Magazine Radio Show Hosted By Steve Jones; 'The Best Of 1980-'89' By The Great American Songbook Orchestra And Their Guests Featuring Diana Ross & Lionel Richie.

The Role of Nostalgia

The power of nostalgia is a big part of why 80s music is making a comeback. Nostalgia can be defined as "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past." It's often used to describe feelings associated with an experience, place, or object that brings back memories of your childhood--or even earlier times in your life.

In this case, nostalgia plays an important role in the revival of 80s music because it makes listeners feel nostalgic for their own childhoods and early adulthoods (or at least what they remember). This means that when you listen to songs from this era now as an adult who grew up listening to them as well as other genres like pop or rock n' roll later on in life, it triggers pleasant memories about growing up during those decades and helps bring them back into focus for some reason!


The Influence of Pop Culture

The influence of pop culture on the revival of 80s music is something that should be examined. Television shows, movies and other media have had a significant impact on this trend.

The television show Stranger Things has been credited with bringing back interest in '80s music. The show's creators have stated that they wanted to create an '80s vibe for their series because it was such an influential time period for them personally and professionally--and we can see how well they succeeded! The soundtrack features artists like New Order, Joy Division and Toto (yes...TOTO!). It also includes tracks from lesser-known bands like Duran Duran and Simple Minds as well as some classics like Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody."

It wasn't only movies that influenced our current trend toward nostalgia; fashion trends also played a role! Many celebrities have been seen wearing clothing from past decades during recent award shows (like at the Oscars) or even just casually around town. This has inspired many people who weren't even born yet during those times to try out some vintage styles themselves!

What are your favorite 80s songs?   Let us know!